Contact Us

Disclaimer: All content is provided for fun and entertainment purposes only. We do not intend to hurt any sentiments. And, We do not try to invade your privacy.

In every mail, please include your link. It is important.

If someone is spamming, please create a new account.

If you see anything unusual, then please describe it to us in the mail.

If you have any query regarding ideas or suggestions please email us at [email protected]

Before sending us a mail, please read below points: 

If you lost the quiz link then please create a new account.

There are no ways to understand who answered the quiz.

If someone is insulting you and you are bothered, please log out of your link and stop using our app.

If someone is spamming, please create a new link.

If you want to delete your link, tap on the delete button in under scoreboard page.

If you want to stop receiving notifications, Then tap the padlock icon in the URL bar on your browser and click on-site settings. Then disable push notification there.

In the mail, please include your link. It is important.

If you see anything unusual, then please describe it to us in the mail.